Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekly News

Important Information
*Check out the new photos and videos on our class blog!
*Starting today, we are switching our planner to a calendar math notebook and will no longer be bringing it home each night.  Instead, a Weekly Planner will be sent home at the beginning of each week.  Please review and sign it nightly.  Keep it stored in the Take-Home Folder for quick reference for me and you.  Feel free to write brief comments as I will check this each and every morning.  Planners will be collected every Monday and replaced with a new one.
*In an effort to make unpacking in the morning a bit simpler for these first graders, I’d like for students to permanently remove the flashcard baggies from their Take-Home Folders.  They can be stored in their backpacks or at home.  Many children are forgetting to turn in notes and checks with all of the extras in their folders.  Thanks for being flexible as we find what methods best suit our class.
*So far, our class has raised $320 for the Husky Hustle!  Our goal is $1000.  If each child raises $40 we'll achieve our goal.  Pledges are due this week.  As always, thanks so much for all you do to support Harmony!
*The 1st grade teachers have some VERY exciting events for the teacher auctions at Harmony Harvest!  If you would like to sign up for one or more of these auctions, you can send in payment made to HES PTA now or sign up at Harmony Harvest.
Boys Bash with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Calling all boys!  The first grade teachers are throwing a bash just for you.  It will be two hour filled with macho activities like flag football, Steal the Bacon, Dodge Ball, and Legos!  Snacks and drinks will be provided.   You won’t want to miss all the manly fun!  The more boys the better!  All grade levels are welcome.  Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, November 15th from 2:30pm-4:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets. 

Girls Gala with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Calling all girls!  The first grade teachers are throwing a gala just for you.  It will be two filled with feminine fun like manicures, make-up, magazines, and even a girly movie!  Snacks and drinks will be provided.   Dress to impress - be sure to wear your fanciest dress and shiniest shoes.  You won’t want to miss all the girly fun!  The more girls the better!  All grade levels are welcome.  Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, December 6th from 2:30-4:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.

Pajama Party with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Grab your pajamas and stuffed animal too, and join the first grade teachers for a pajama party!  We’ll meet in the library to watch a newly released movie on the big screen, eat popcorn and candy, and party in our pajamas. All grade levels are welcome – the more, the merrier!  Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, November 29th from 2:30pm-4:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.

Madelynne’s 1st Birthday Party with Mrs. Anderson and Madelynne
Join Mrs. Anderson for a one-of-a-kind birthday celebration – her daughter Madelynne’s first birthday!   We’ll have lots of fun playing party games, eating birthday cake and ice cream, and playing with Mady.  All grade levels are welcome- the more, the merrier.  Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, December 13th from 2:30-4:30pm. No gifts, please.  All donations will go directly to our classroom budget.   

Important Dates
October 12th - Husky Hustle (if you can, feel free to join us at the Hustle from 12:45-1:30pm); Harmony Harvest 6-9pm
October 19th – 26th – Fall Break
November 15th - Harvest Auction:  Boys Bash 2:30-4:30pm
November 29th - Harvest Auction:  Pajama Party 2:30-4:30pm
December 6th - Harvest Auction:  Girls Gala 2:30-4:30pm
December 13th - Harvest Auction:  Madelynne’s 1st Birthday 2:30-4:30pm

What are we learning?
Word Work
This is week 8 on Spelling City.  Our new 1st grade word wall words are ask, help, three.  We are reviewing these kindergarten words:  her, said, can.  We are also studying short i words.
We will practice writing to a nonfiction prompt using a topic sentence followed by at least three relevant details.
We will continue our study of geometry this week. 
In reading, we will continue our questioning unit.  Good readers ask questions before, during, and after reading to deepen their understanding of the text.
We are continuing our human body unit!  This week, we will learn about the brain and the nervous system.

Related Arts
Monday - PE
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Art
Friday – Husky Hustle