Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekly News

Important Information
*Check out the new photos and videos on our class blog!
*We are in need of a few things for the Girls Gala this Thursday.  Do you have any children’s magazines we could reuse?  How about a chair massager or foot soak?  We promise to take great care of them...let us know if you wouldn’t mind us borrowing them for the day.
*Thanks so much for all of the interest in Husky Helping House.  Please send in your unwrapped donations for Jose by Friday, December 7th.  We are still in need of gift boxes, wrapping paper, and bows.  If you have any to spare, please send those items in by Friday.
* This month’s MegaSkill is CARING.  Let’s show we care about others by performing one random act of kindness every Friday in December.  Be sure to leave the “You’ve been RACKed note.” (see attachment – I will also send one home on Fri.) Here are a few ideas:
-pay for the order behind you in a fast food drive-through
-purchase a cup of hot cocoa for the Salvation Army bell ringers
-bake something special to give to a friend or neighbor
-write a note to someone special in your life telling him/her why he/she is so special to you
-tape candy canes to ATM machines
-tape a quarter to a toy machine
*The 1st grade class is participating in the annual Husky Holiday Sing-Along!  First graders are going to lead the school in singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!  For added fun, we’ve decided to dress like Rudolph.  Please help your child buy, find, or make reindeer antlers to wear to school on Tuesday, December 18th.  Children will be allowed to wear their reindeer antlers all day.  I have red pompoms to use for the noses and we will attach them with sticky dots.  We are really looking forward to this exciting event! (Helpful hint: I’ve seen these at the Dollar Tree and Target Dollar Spot already this year.)

Important Dates
November 29th – Harvest Auction: Pajama Party 2:30-4:30pm
December 6th - Harvest Auction:  Girls Gala 2:30-4:30pm
December 13th - Harvest Auction:  Madelynne’s 1st Birthday 2:30-4:30pm
December 15th – Donuts with Santa 9-11am
December 18th - Husky Sing-Along (wear Rudolph antlers)

What are we learning?
Word Work
This is week 14 on Spelling City.  Our new 1st grade word wall words are around, found, start.  We are reviewing these kindergarten words:  from, if, there.  We are also studying long o spelled o-e, oa, and ow.
Reading, Writing, and Science
We are working on researching the arctic in reading. In writing, we are creating an all about book about this habitat.  In science, we are further exploring the animals, plants, food chains, and animal adaptations.  We will also be working on letters to Santa.  These will be sent to the Oldham Era and will be published in their Christmas edition.
We are working on addition strategies for adding numbers.  We are focusing on number strings and linking to subtraction this week. 

Related Arts
Monday - Music
Tuesday – P.E.
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - P.E.
Friday – P.E.