Welcome to our classroom!
We are the Huskies! This is the bulletin board outside our classroom door. |
We display our best work in the hallway for others to enjoy and admire. |
We display important social studies posters on our classroom door. |
Our classroom jobs, lunch count, and blue paws are posted on our closet door. (Once we earn 20 blue paws from PAWSitive behavior outside of our classroom, then we get to have a class celebration...such as Lunch Bunch or Pajama Day.) |
We strive to do our best each day. Our best work is displayed in our classroom. Read alouds from the week are stored on the ledge of the markerboard and available for rereading. Important reading strateiges are posted on the bulletin board. |
These are our classroom computers. We use them each day to enhance our learning experience. |
Everyone has a book bin containing five self selected books from our classroom library to read throughout the day. We prepare these every morning upon arrival. |
Mrs. Anderson leads small groups at this table. Groups are differentiated and based on students' needs. |
Word families are posted on the kitchen door. We chant these often during word study to help us with our reading and writing. |
This book rack is part of our classroom library. Books are organized based on author, series, and/or topic. |
More books in our classroom library! |
Sometimes we do our work at our tables, but we often work in the cozy spaces around the classroom. We store our supplies in our seatpacks. |
Even more books in our classroom library! The lounge chairs are a comfy work spot. |
A chart for each subject is displayed on our main markerboard. This is where most of our whole group learning takes place while children are seated on the rug. The pillows offer another cozy work space. Writing posters are displayed on the bulletin board. |
Materials for morning meeting and word study are stored on the wire shelves. The daily schedule, calendar, and planner for calendar math are displayed at the front of the room. |
The rocking chair, couch, and Teacher's Pet (also known as star of the week) are some of our favorite learning spots! |
We have a small kitchen that we also use for small group work with our instructional assitant and parent volunteers. |