Important Information
*Students have been bringing their school library books much more frequently than once a week, so I am cancelling our weekly checkout time. Students will be permitted to visit the library on an as needed basis each morning. Please only send the books back to school when your child is finished reading them. 1st graders are allowed to checkout two books at a time.
*Please make sure to check your child’s take-home folder every night and discuss what we are working on in school. You may keep the completed work that comes home. Promptly return any paperwork. Also make sure to read and sign your child’s planner nightly. 1st graders are encouraged to spend 10-20 minutes nightly on homework. Students are expected to read to/with an adult, practice weekly word wall words, and memorize math facts. Please jot down what your child did for homework on the right side (i.e. +1 facts, www, & read would be sufficient instead of writing down addition facts, word wall word flashcards, and the title of the book).
*I am so excited that so many of you are able to attend our class movie night this Friday! Please park around back and enter through the library doors (directly across from the basketball goals). I’ll be sure to have the doors open for you by 6pm. We will gather in the library and pass out dinner and snacks from 6-6:15pm. The movie will start at 6:15pm and should be over by 8pm. Looking forward to it!
*Husky Hustle pledge packets will be sent home soon. This is our school’s main fundraising event of the year. Our class’ goal is to raise $1000 – that’s just $40 per student. Please, please, please help your child round up pledges from friends and family. The classroom that raises the most money for the Hustle will receive an iPad! 10% of all donations go directly towards our classroom budget and the rest goes to our school. Let’s work together to make this a successful fundraising event!
*Ready to find out what the first grade teachers will be auctioning this year at Harmony Harvest? Drum roll, please!!!
Boys Bash with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Calling all boys! The first grade teachers are throwing a bash just for you. It will be two hour filled with macho activities like flag football, Steal the Bacon, Dodge Ball, and Legos! Snacks and drinks will be provided. You won’t want to miss all the manly fun! The more boys the better! All grade levels are welcome. Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, November 15th from 2:30pm-4:30pm. All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.
Girls Gala with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Calling all girls! The first grade teachers are throwing a gala just for you. It will be two filled with feminine fun like manicures, make-up, magazines, and even a girly movie! Snacks and drinks will be provided. Dress to impress - be sure to wear your fanciest dress and shiniest shoes. You won’t want to miss all the girly fun! The more girls the better! All grade levels are welcome. Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, December 6th from 2:30-4:30pm. All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.
Pajama Party with Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beall, & Ms. Howard!
Grab your pajamas and stuffed animal too, and join the first grade teachers for a pajama party! We’ll meet in the library to watch a newly released movie on the big screen, eat popcorn and candy, and party in our pajamas. All grade levels are welcome – the more, the merrier! Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, November 29th from 2:30pm-4:30pm. All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.
Madelynne’s 1st Birthday Party with Mrs. Anderson and Madelynne
Join Mrs. Anderson for a one-of-a-kind birthday celebration – her daughter Madelynne’s first birthday! We’ll have lots of fun playing party games, eating birthday cake and ice cream, and playing with Mady. All grade levels are welcome- the more, the merrier. Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Thursday, December 13th from 2:30-4:30pm. No gifts, please. All donations will go directly to our classroom budget.
Important Dates
September 28th - Pack Activity (please wear GREEN – your 1st grade shirt is perfect for this!); Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Movie Night 6pm
October 3rd - Early Release Day (students dismiss at 12:25pm)
October 5th - Field Trip (please wear sneakers and your 1st grade t-shirt and bring a sack lunch)
October 12th - Husky Hustle (if you can, feel free to join us at the Hustle from 12:45-1:30pm); Harmony Harvest 6-9pm
October 19th – 26th – Fall Break
November 15th - Harvest Auction: Boys Bash 2:30-4:30pm
November 29th - Harvest Auction: Pajama Party 2:30-4:30pm
December 6th - Harvest Auction: Girls Gala 2:30-4:30pm
December 13th - Harvest Auction: Madelynne’s 1st Birthday 2:30-4:30pm
What are we learning?
Word Work
This is week 6 on Spelling City. Our new 1st grade word wall words are long, does, every. We are reviewing these kindergarten words: had, they, be. We are also studying short a words.
We will learn about the characteristics of listeners, speakers, and viewers.
We are working on unit 2 (Should I add or subtract?). We will solve addition and subtraction number stories with missing numbers and use units to label our answers.
In reading, we will conclude our unit on decoding strategies and shift our focus to questioning.
We are continuing our human body unit! This week, we will learn about the muscular system.
Related Arts
Monday - Music
Tuesday – Music
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Music
Friday - Music